Thursday, October 17, 2019

Does Receiving a College Education while Incarcerated Influence Research Paper

Does Receiving a College Education while Incarcerated Influence Convicted Felons Ability to Find a Job - Research Paper Example This project stresses that the overall education attainment of inmates and the formerly incarcerated is considerably below that of the general population in every world’s country-this is especially in regard to A and O-levels. In the United States, for example, about half of the nation’s adults had at least some level of college education. This was inconsequentially the opposite indication because less than 2o per cent of state and federal prisoners had some college education. College education for individual convicts while incarcerated ultimately affects their ability to find jobs. College going for the college students is therefore meant to aid the rehabilitation process and not utterly give the convicts employment. Education is one of the best rehabilitation weapons as some of the felons may have done offense due to the lack of appropriate hunger management skills. Through college education, this would be the beginning of learning basics of life for the felons. This paper makes a conclusion that college education plays a critical role for the felons that are incarcerated particularly with regard to their ability to find a job. The views of the researchers point towards using the educational platform as a tool for rehabilitating the inmates. The starting figures of the prison population foster the need of more effective solutions of making the lives of the prisoners better, for their sake and the sake of society in general. Through education, the lives of the offenders can be significantly improved.

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